Hike NS Wins Bluenose Achievement Award

Hike NS was honoured to receive the Bluenose Achievement Award for its Re-Connecting with Nature Workshop series from Recreation Nova Scotia at its annual conference on September 28 in Pictou County.

The Bluenose Achievement Award recognizes an individual or community group that provides/supports activities and services that successfully achieves the values and benefits of recreation. The Re-Connecting with Nature workshop is a hands-on day of adventure to improve participants’ ability to lead and share an appreciation and understanding of nature with children and youth. Since the spring of 2015, 13 workshops have been offered across the province to almost 150 youth group leaders, recreation and camp staff, teachers, early childhood educators, parents and concerned citizens. The workshop series is a partnership of Hike NS with the NS Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage and Acadia University.

Pictured receiving the award above from left to right are: Garnet McLaughlin (Hike NS President), Janet Barlow (Hike NS Executive Director) and George Taylor (a Re-Connecting with Nature Workshop Instructor). On the right is Meg Cuming (Recreation NS President) presenting the award.

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